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Added 17th December 2018

Mute Date

Due for release in 2019, Mute Date, set in the very near future of 2020 featuring a man (Noah) and a woman (Erica) who go on a blind date in Prospect Park, New York.


This is a date with a difference, with both parties agreeing to beta test groundbreaking new technology from Tellr Laboratories, technology that enables them to communicate telepathically.


Over the course of the date, their bizarre experiences with the product, forces them to contemplate the future that they, and humanity are about to enter.


Mute Date, the latest release from writer/director Cody Clarke since his award winning movie Ramekin, also shot with a micro budget and this feature, once again offering a very different and unique tale that captures the imagination.


Although set in the future, don't expect flying cars or the apocalypse, but do expect a full in depth story on a futuristic idea. However, as the date progresses the viewer will be left to ponder on how very close to the modern way of life with it's continuous developing technology Mute Date actually is, just before taking a Black Mirror/Twilight Zone 

change in direction.


As expected, a micro budget doesn't stop Cody Clarke in the quality of product delivered, especially again in the audio department, critical on this occasion with the amount of dialogue produced.....and there is a lot, which is excellently portrayed by the two main leads considering the difficulties faced in acting out their thoughts on camera.


Mute Date, a very enjoyable and thought provoking experience, which rather unnervingly maybe just a little too close to the 

politically correct big brother reality of today.


Mute Date
Mute Date
Mute Date
Mute Date




Starring: Anthony Kapfer, Nina Tandilashvili, Sarah Teed,

Anna Fikhman


Director: Cody Clarke


Mute date is set for release early 2019, for further updates watch this space or check out;


Twitter: @CodyClarke



*UPDATE* Mute Date is now available on Amazon Prime via the links below;



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